Saturday, April 25, 2020



How many times have we talked about the new normal since our lives changed when we said good bye to our spouse?  Are you able to look back at what you went through and relate to what the world is going through lately?   How has your life changed in the last month?  Are you going just a little stir crazy?

We have no idea how long this current journey is going to go on, but what have we learned about our new normal?  I could list a ton of questions that have gone through my head!!    As I sort them out, probably the biggest thing I reflect on is what changes I want to make in my life...  I’ve thought about the busyness in my life before the coronavirus and was looking forward to not being so busy.  But what was I going to eliminate……  How was I going to change my new normal?

After Dan died, I found myself wrapped up in all that needed to be done, which seemed at the time to be a lot.  I was also blessed in my life with many friends and family that made sure I was not alone very often.  But then, I realized I was keeping so busy that I was unable to deal with my grief.  At that point I knew I needed to slow down and reflect on what was important to me and what was not.  In Deuteronomy 31:6 it reads:  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  When I think back to that time, there were probably people that I offended by stepping back but I came to the conclusion it was about me at the time and if they were to be in my life, they would come back into my life.   Most did……

In chatting with many of you over time, you have felt the same way.  Many of you have completed some major cleaning of your house, basement, garage or storage shed in your back yard.  For those that have done this or are in the process of doing that, great job!  Many have caught up on your reading or are reading a lot more or doing puzzles.  I have caught up on cleaning out files and cleaning files off of my laptop.

To be honest, what is next?   Have you sorted through any ideas?  Have you felt God nudging you along the way as to what He has for you?  Maybe during this time you have been able to do more things that you enjoy, such as walking, biking or reconnected with old or new friends via the phone, email, texting, and facetiming or zooming.  Or perhaps writing a letter, sending a note or a card to someone new or a friend.

There is not a need to hurry into a decision on what you want to do.  As we rely on what God may have us do, II Peter 3:9 reads: The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.  For me being patient isn’t always easy, but resting in the assurance that God has me helps for sure!

May you trust in God to help you with what you are going through at this time! If you are making any decisions, I pray you lean on Him for strength.   Rest in Him as Psalms 18:32 reads:  It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.

Blessings to each of you.   Remember God is with you each step of the way.    Just believe in Him!

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