Sunday, June 30, 2019

Trust – Possible or Impossible

Trust – Possible or Impossible

Do you ever feel like there seems to be so many decisions that are happening in your life and you don’t know where to turn?   Some of these decisions seem easy to make and others seem difficult.  What if I make the wrong decision?  What if I trust the wrong person?  What if I do not have all the facts to make a decision?

As we go through different stages of our lives, we change!  The one constant we have is God never changes.  Luke 18:27 reads:  What is impossible with man is possible with God.  As we struggle to believe this and to move forward, we need to do what is possible and trust God with the impossible. 

Easier said than done sometimes right?  How can I truly believe that?  Do you ever reflect on what you have gone through and then realized you made it through those times that seemed impossible?  We have so many examples of things that are possible with God within the scripture.
  • Mary and Joseph escaped Egypt with their infant son Jesus.   Caesar had issued an order to kill all the infant boys under the age of 2.   Story found in Matthew 2.
  • Paul went to Jerusalem despite the likelihood of his arrest.  His calling to teach there trumped fear for his survival.  Story found in Acts 2.
  • Abigail struck out on a donkey directing a food caravan as a gift to her husband Nabal, avowed enemy, David.  She feared returning home to her husband but God was with her and she was protected.  Story found in 1 Samuel 25

How often do we think – well that was in Biblical times.   This doesn’t happen today!  Or does it?   I am one who likes to journal these types of things that have happened in my life.  As I look back as both of my parents died when I was in my early 20’s, my husband died at the age of 47, one of my son’s has had four tours abroad in the military and I was laid off from a job I loved at the age of 62.  With each of these events in my life, I wondered where God was and how was He going to bring me through each of these situations.

One of God’s promises that I love is found in Luke 1:45 which reads:  Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!   He has fulfilled His promises to me and He will for you also.  This doesn’t mean we will not have tough times and have struggles along the way, but it does mean God is there for us!

I know I often talk about having someone in your court that you can trust to help you along your journey through life.   Sometimes those people change throughout out our lives, as some come in and out of our life.   It is important to have that person who is looking out for you, a prayer warrior, a trusted person with finances and that practical person who can give you that advise you need.

I hope and pray that each of you has someone in your life that you can share what is going on, and know they are looking out for you!   Remember:  “Do what’s possible and trust God with the impossible!”

Blessings to each of you. 

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